13 Dec 2016



It is most important for every devout worshipper [muta'abbid] and truly experienced believer ['arif] to be constantly on guard, in all his conditions and circumstances, against hypocritical display [riya'], the desire to impress his fellow creatures [ru'yat al-khalq], and vain conceit ['ujb].  This is because the lower self [nafs] is malign.  It is the source of misleading desires, pernicious appetites, and lustful passions that form a barrier between the servant and the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He).  There is no road to safety from its wicked and mischievous ways, as long as the spirit [ruh] resides within the body of a human being [ibn Adam]. 

This is still the case, even if the servant [of the Lord] attains to the state of Spiritual Deputyship [Badaliyya] and Championship of the Truth [Siddiqiyya], although this state is safer than the initial stage of spiritual development, and more secure from the wickedness and the cunning wiles of the lower self [nafs].  In this state, the good is more predominant, the light is more prevalent, the guidance is positively in the direction of Allah's path [fi sabili 'llah], the enabling grace [tawfiq] is comprehensive, and the needed protection is always available.  Impeccable virtue ['isma] is not for us, however.  That is a quality peculiar to the Prophets [Anbiya'] (peace be upon them all), conferred on them in order to draw the distinction between Prophetship [Nubuwwa] and saintship [wilaya]. 

 Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) has issued a warning threat to those who practice hypocritical display [riya'] and seek to promote an undeserved reputation [sum'a].  He has cautioned us against the wicked inclination of the lower self [nafs] and its mischievous tricks.  He has forbidden us to follow its dictates, and He has instructed us to oppose and contradict it, sometimes in the Qur'an, and at other times in the utterances of Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace), which are recorded in the traditional reports [akhbar] and enshrined in the Sunna.  Let us first consider some examples from the Qur'an [and other Scriptures]: 

 Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:

So woe to those who pray, but are heedless of their prayers, and to those who make a show, yet withhold the smallest charity. (107:4,5)

fa-wailun li'l-musallin: alladhina hum 'an salati-him sahun: alladhina hum yura'una wa yamna'una 'l-ma'un.

He has said (Glorious and Exalted is He):

They utter with their mouths what is not in their hearts  Allah is best aware of what they hide. (3:167) 

yaquluna bi-afwahi-him ma laisa fi qulubi-him: wa 'llahu a'lamu bi-ma yaktumun.

He has said (Exalted is He):

The hypocrites seek to beguile Allah but it is He who beguiles them.
When they stand up to perform the prayer,
they perform it languidly and to impress people, 
and they are mindful of Allah but little.

inna 'l-munafiqina yukhadi'una 'llaha wa Huwa khadi'u-hum:
wa idha qamu ila 's-salati qamu kasala yura'una 'n-nasa wa la yadhkuruna 'llaha illa qalila. 

[They are] swaying between this [and that], belonging neither to these nor to those.

If Allah causes someone to go astray, you will not find a way for him. (4:142,143) 

mudhabdhabina baina dhalik: la ila ha'ula'i wa la ila ha'ula':

wa man yudlili 'llahu fa-lan tajida la-hu sabila.

 He has said (Exalted is He):

O you who believe,  
many of  the [Jewish] rabbis and the [Christian] monks 
devour the wealth of mankind wantonly,  
and debar [men] from the way of Allah.  (9:34) 

ya ayyuha 'lladhina  amanu inna kathiran mina 'l-ahbari wa 'r-ruhbani
la-ya'kuluna amwala 'n-nasi bi-'l-batili wa yasudduna 'an sabili 'llah.

He has said (Almighty and Glorious is He):

O you who believe, why do you say that which you do not do?  
It is most hateful in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do. (61:2)  

ya ayyuha 'lladhina amanu li-ma taquluna ma la taf'alun: 
kabura maqtan 'inda 'llahi  an taqulu ma la taf'alun.

He has said (Exalted is He):

Keep your words private or speak openly; 
He knows what the breasts contain. (67:13)

wa asirru qawla-kum awi 'jharu bi-h:inna-hu 'Alimun bi-dhati 's-sudur.

He has said (Glorious and Exalted is He):

So whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord, 
let him do righteous work, and let him give no one any share at all  
in the worship due unto his Lord. (18:110)

fa-man kana yarju liqa'a Rabbi-hi fa-'l-ya'mal 'amalan salihan wa la yushrik bi-'ibadati Rabbi-hi ahada.

He has said (Exalted is He): 
Surely the self is always inciting to evil, 
except inasmuch as my Lord has mercy. (12:53)

inna 'n-nafsa la-ammaratun bi's-su'i illa ma rahima Rabbi.

He has said (Exalted is He):

But greed has been made present in the souls [of men].  (4:128)

wa uhdirati 'l-anfusu 'sh-shuhh.

He said (Almighty and Glorious is He) to David [Dawud] (peace be upon him) [in a non-Qur'anic utterance]: 

O David, you must flee from your passionate desire [hawa], for no contender challenges Me for My dominion, apart from passionate desire. 

He has also said (Exalted is He):

Do not follow passionate desire, lest it lead you astray from Allah's path. (38:26) 

wa la tattabi'i 'l-hawa fa-yudilla-ka 'an sabili 'llah.

As for the Sunna, Shaddad ibn Aws (may Allah be well pleased with him) is reported as having said:  "I once entered the presence of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), and I noticed a look in his face that made me shudder, so I said:  'What is the matter with you, O Messenger of Allah?'  He replied (Allah bless him and give him peace):   

"'I am afraid that my Community [Ummati] may be guilty of shirk [attributing partners to Allah], after I am gone.' 

"On hearing this, I exclaimed:  'Do you really mean to say, O Messenger of Allah, that they will attribute partners to Him [yushrikuna] after you are gone?'  So he went on to explain (Allah bless him and give him peace): 

"'They may not worship a sun, or a moon, or a graven image [wathan], or a stone idol, but they will resort to hypocritical display in their religious practices [a'mal], and hypocritical display [riya'] is tantamount to shirk [attributing partners to Allah].'

"Then he recited the words of Allah (Exalted is He):

So whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord,

let him do righteous work, and let him give no one any share at all

in the worship due unto his Lord. (18:110)"  

fa-man kana yarju liqa'a Rabbi-hi fa-'l-ya'mal 'amalan salihan wa la yushrik bi-'ibadati Rabbi-hi ahada.

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said:

The Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyama] will come with sealed scrolls [suhuf makhtuma] [in which the deeds of mankind have been recorded], so Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) will say to the angels:  "Throw this one away, and accept this one."  They will respond by saying:  "By Your Might and Your Majesty, we know nothing but good."  So He will say (Exalted is He):  "Yes, but this is [the record of] a deed performed for someone other than Me, and I only accept what was done for the sake of My countenance." 

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) used to say, in his prayer of supplication [du'a']:

O Allah, make my tongue pure and free from lying, my heart from hypocrisy [nifaq], my religious practice from hypocritical display [riya'], and my eyesight from treachery, for You know the treachery of the eyes, and what the breasts conceal.

He once said (Allah bless him and give him peace):

You must not sit at the feet of a religious scholar ['alim], unless he summons you away from five toward five, namely:  (1) away from indulgence [raghba], in the direction of abstinence [zuhd]; (2) away from hypocritical display [riya'], in the direction of sincere devotion [ikhlas]; (3) away from arrogant pride [kibr], in the direction of modest humility [tawadu']; (4) away from fawning flattery [mudahana], in the direction of honest advice [munasaha]; and (5) away from ignorance [jahl], in the direction of knowledge ['ilm]. 

He once said (Allah bless him and give him peace):

Allah (Exalted is He) says:  "I am the Best Partner [Ana Khairu Sharik].  If someone associates a partner with Me, in his undertaking, it involves the partner ascribed to Me [shariki] and has nothing to do with Me.  I accept only that which is devoted solely to Me.  O Children of Adam, I am the Best Participant [Ana Khairu Qasim], so reconsider that work of yours, which you have performed for someone other than Me, because your wage is incumbent only on the one for whom you did the work."

He also said (Allah bless him and give him peace):

You may congratulate this Community [Umma] on their brilliance and high standing in the sphere of religion, and on their empowerment in the countries of the earth, so long as they do not perform the work of the hereafter for the sake of this world.  If anyone does the work of the hereafter for the sake of this world, it will not be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will have no share.  

He also said (Allah bless him and give him peace):

Allah will surely grant the benefits of this world [for work performed] with

the intention of gaining the benefits of the hereafter, but He will not grant

the benefits of the hereafter [for work performed] with the intention of

gaining the benefits of this world.

As reported on the authority of Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be well pleased with him), Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said:

On the night when I was taken on my Heavenly Journey [usriya bi], I passed by a group of people whose lips had been snipped by scissors of fire.  "Who are these?" I said to Gabriel (peace be upon him), so he told me:  "They are the preachers [khutaba'] of your Community.  They say something, but they do not put it into practice.  They say what they acknowledge as being correct, but they do what they denounce as being wrong.  They instruct the people to act righteously, but they forget to include themselves. 

He also said (Allah bless him and give him peace):

The worst of my fears for my Community [Ummati] is every hypocrite [munafiq] with a clever tongue.  By the One who holds my soul in His hand, the Final Hour will not come about until they find themselves subject to dishonest rulers, immoral ministers, treacherous assistants, iniquitous professors ['urafa'], dissolute Qur'an-reciters [qurra'], and ignorant servants.  Allah (Exalted is He) will expose them to dark and murky intrigue, so they will experience a bewildering perplexity [tahawwuk], like that which afflicted the wrongdoing Jews [Yahud].  From that point on, Islam will unravel, knot by knot, until no one says:  "Allah, Allah!"

As reported on the authority of 'Adi ibn Hatim (may Allah be well pleased with him), Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said: 

On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyama], certain people will be subjected to exemplary punishment of the most extreme kind.  Allah (Exalted is He) will say to them:  "When you were in private situations, you would brazenly affront Me with heinous sins ['aza'im], but when you met with other people, you would approach them modestly and humbly.  You were in awe of other people, but you did not regard Me with awe.  You honored other people, but you did not honor Me.  By My Might, I shall make you taste the most painful chastisement."

According to a traditional report, Usama ibn Zaid (may Allah be well pleased with him and with his father) once heard Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) say: 

A man will be cast into the Fire of Hell, so his guts will soon be dangling out of his belly.  He will be rotated as a mill is rotated by its owner, and he will be asked:  "Were you not in the habit of enjoining that which is right and fair [ma'ruf], and forbidding that which is wrong and unfair [munkar]?"  To this he will reply:  "I used to enjoin what is right and fair [ma'ruf], though I did not practice it myself, and  I used to forbid is wrong and unfair [munkar], though I did not abstain from it myself."

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said: 

Many a keeper of the fast [sa'im] receives nothing from his fasting [siyam] but hunger and thirst, and many a keeper of night vigil [qa'im] receives nothing from his vigil [qiyam] but insomnia.   

To this the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) added: 

The Heavenly Throne ['Arsh] trembles because of that, and the Lord (Blessed and Exalted is He) is angry with him.

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said: 

What a bad servant [of the Lord] is a servant who erects a barrier between himself and the spiritual reward of Allah (Exalted is He)!  I am speaking of a servant, one of the creatures of Allah (Exalted is He), who devotes himself to His service, in the hope of receiving what He has at His disposal, and who exhausts his physical body in the effort to obtain His approval, but who makes a public show of his religious devotion [din], which is thereby rendered invalid. 

His manly virtue [muru'a] degenerates into vice, and so he erects a barrier between himself and his Lord.  He pins his hopes on Allah (Exalted is He), as far as the big picture is concerned, but he pins them on his fellow servant, when it comes to the small details.  He gives some of his service to his fellow servant, at the expense of his worshipful obedience [ta'a] to Allah (Exalted is He). 

 Mujahid (may Allah bestow His mercy upon him) is reported as having said:  "A man once came to Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) and said:  'O Messenger of Allah, I make it my practice to give charitable donations [atasaddaqu bi-sadaqa], so that I may obtain the gracious favor of Allah (Exalted is He).  I also like to hear people speaking well of me.'  At that very moment, His words (Blessed and Exalted is He):

So whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord,

let him do righteous work, and let him give no one any share

at all in the worship due unto his Lord.  (18:110)

fa-man kana yarju liqa'a Rabbi-hi fa-'l-ya'mal 'amalan salihan wa la yushrik bi-'ibadati  Rabbi-hi ahada.

--were sent down [to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)]."

 The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said:

The end of the age will see the emergence of groups of people who exploit religion [din] for worldly purposes.  To impress other people, they will dress in sheep's clothing, and their tongues will be sweeter than sugar, though their hearts are the hearts of wolves.  Allah (Exalted is He) will say:  "Are you deluding yourselves about Me, or are you so bold as to challenge Me deliberately?"  I swear by Me, I shall surely inflict such confusion upon those people, that you would call the mildest case a case of utter bewilderment."