3 Dec 2016

5 yr old Muslim student choked by teacher in N.Carolina

CAIR, a Muslim civil rights organisation has called for the immediate firing of a Charlotte teacher who is accused of abusing a 5-year-old student because he is Muslim.

News Briefs

The Muslim civil rights organization Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called for an immediate and thorough investigation into allegations that a five-year-old kindergarten student was harassed and assaulted by a school teacher. 
The five-year old child attended the David Cox Road Elementary School in Charlotte, North Carolina, and according to the complaint, months of harassment targeting the child as being a “bad Muslim” with a final attack on the little child.
CAIR issued a letter to the school board demanding an investigation: “During the first two months of the school year, [the Muslim student] was subjected to relentless bullying and harassment not only by his classmates, but by [the teacher]. For example, she would routinely single out [the student] from his classmates and require him to carry a heavy backpack throughout the day. The backpack contained a large textbook and headphones, which caused [the student] to develop significant back pain. . .[The teacher] would also treat [the student] harshly and reportedly called him ‘bad Muslim boy’ on multiple occasions.
“On November 16, 2016, [the teacher] reportedly approached [the student]. . .grabbed him by the neck and began choking him. [Another teacher] then separated the two and began consoling [the student] who was crying and extremely shaken.”
The Washington based civil rights organisation has requested an urgent investigation as well as disciplinary action against those involved as well as the school to conduct a cultural and religious diversity training for all David Cox Road Elementary faculty and staff.
