23 Nov 2016

Trump offers HUD to Ben Carson

President-elect offers former neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Carson is considering.

News Briefs

Former neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson said on Tuesday that he’s been offered several jobs in President-elect Donald Trump’s administration, including helming the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), The Hill reports.

"I would say that was one of the offers that is on the table," Carson said on Fox News.

“You know, there have been so many promises made over the last several decades and nothing has been, so it certainly is something that has been a long-term interest of mine and I’ll be thinking and praying about it seriously over the holiday,” he added.

Carson’s comments come after Trump indicated earlier on Tuesday that Carson is a top contender for HUD secretary.

“I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the head of HUD. I've gotten to know him well--he's a greatly talented person who loves people!” Trump tweeted.

Carson, who challenged Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, dropped out of the race after achieving poor results in the primaries. He subsequently endorsed Trump for the presidency.

Armstrong Williams, Carson’s close friend and business adviser, told The Hill on Tuesday that the HUD position is in line with what Carson would like to be doing.

“One thing for sure – Dr. Carson cares greatly about the inner cities and what has happened to minorities across the country and there is no better position within the administration to help revitalize the inner cities,” Williams said. “There is no better position within administration where he could make a difference."

That Carson is considering serving in Trump’s administration is a reversal of last week, when Williams told The Hill that the retired neurosurgeon was not interested in serving as Trump’s secretary of Health and Human Services due to his lack of experience in government.

But now that Carson has been offered the role at HUD, Williams confirmed he is considering it.

“He’s honored the president is considering him for one the Cabinet posts and will give it serious consideration,” Williams told The Hill.

News of Carson’s candidacy comes after sources said earlier on Tuesday that Trump is leaning toward asking 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to be his secretary of state, though he had not yet ruled out former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

The sources also said Trump is also likely to name retired Marine Gen. James Mattis to serve as secretary of defense in his administration, while South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is the leading candidate to be the next ambassador to the United Nations.