20 Nov 2016

'Munich wall' being built as sound baffle against refugees

A wall is constructed surrounding a refugee shelter to supposedly protect residents from the refugees' noise in Germany

 News Desk

According to local news, in Neuperlach Süd, in the southeastern German city of Munich, where approximately 55,000 people live, a wall encircling the refugee dorm is under construction.
The reason behind building the wall, which has a 25-m length and 4-m height, is purportedly to protect residents from the noise emanating from asylum seekers.

With a petition, residents demanded to have a wall, separating a refugee camp where young refugees will take shelter from residential areas, to protect themselves from the noise.
Nearly 27 years after the Berlin wall's destruction, such a move in Germany raises questions.

Vice president of Neuperlach Süd Guido Bucholtz said, ''I was afraid when I first saw the wall. That is really ludicrous. It is too high.'' Local government expressed their discomfort with the wall which is being built upon the decision of the provincial government of Bucholtz.
The wall which has drawn fire from other countries, too, is reportedly about to be completed.

The wall is also reportedly 40 cm longer than the Berlin wall, which was erected in 1961 and destroyed in 1989.