13 Nov 2016

Freedom March: Stop Demolishing of Palestinian Homes

At least 250 Palestinian and Israeli activists from Combatants for Peace and other peace groups marched on Friday at the freedom march demanding  the halt of Israeli occupation policy of destroying Palestinian homes in the West Bank. The march was in coordination with Standing To gather Coalition and other Palestinian and Israeli peace groups

The march started from the entrance of Hussan village to the south of Bethlehem city. People marched towards settlers road 60 and walked all the way to the tunnel checkpoint separating Bethlehem area from Jerusalem.

During the march activists and members of CFP used hand-made poppets to close the settlers road and then used it during the protest as the chanted anti occupation slogans and demanded the end of occupation and the establishment of peace.

At the checkpoint the theater group pf CFP presented a short play about the effects of Israel’s home demolishing policy on the Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

CFP believes that the conflict cannot be resolved, through military means, by either of the parties, but only through joint action, can we break the cycle of violence and put an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.

The movement calls for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem, based on the border of June 4, 1967, alongside Israel. CFP uses nonviolent means and call on both nations to join us to achieve peace and reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis.