14 Nov 2016

China Turkey's 'friend in need' says China foreign minister

In an exclusive interview, Wang Yi hails China's expression of 'immediate support' to Turkey in wake of defeated coup

 News Desk

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi has stressed how his country stepped up to demonstrate "immediate" support to Turkey after the failed July 15 coup bid.
Wang said, "China immediately expressed support for the Turkish government’s efforts to uphold stability in accordance with the law and sent a vice foreign minister to visit Turkey”.
Asked about Turkey and China’s cooperation on security issues and the Fetullah Terror Organization's (FETO) activities in the country, Wang said, "Neither of us allows any activity on its soil that undermines the other's security and stability”.
He added, "China and Turkey have both suffered from terrorism; we are both firmly opposed to terrorism in all manifestations. Strengthening security and counter-terrorism cooperation serves the fundamental interests of our two countries”.
Wang added that since last year, the nation’s presidents, Xi Jinping and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, have met three times and reached important agreements on protecting national security and fighting terrorism.
Ahead of the G20 Summit in Hangzhou this September, Erdogan and Xi signed three bilateral agreements in the areas of energy, nuclear security, and agricultural health certification.
"There is zero tolerance for any organization or individual that engages in such activities," Wang said, adding that China's support for Turkey in the wake of the coup attempt "proves that China is a friend in need”.