17 Nov 2016

abu jahal

Abu Jahl, Amr ibn Hisham was from the nobles of Quraysh; the same tribe as the Muhammad. He was the flag bearer of disbelief and hatred towards Islam and Muslims. His hatred and enmity as to such an extent that the Muhammad gave him the title of: ‘THE PHARAOH OF THIS UMMAH’. 

He was from the Banu Makhzum family and had great name and fame in all of Arabia for his generosity and hospitality of guests. He was also from amongst those elders to whom people turned to for solving issues and deciding their affairs.

He was so respected and honored that the day of his death was made a public day of mourning and remembrance.

Unfortunately, his motive for generosity and giving was a bit different. He wished to be the talk of the town and gain a position and status amongst the people.

Abu Jahl means ‘father of ignorance’.  

It was well-known amongst the idolaters of Quraysh that Abu Jahl had the title of ABUL-HAKAM, the father of wisdom. This was what he was referred to in the special assemblies of the senior and elders of his tribe.

The rule of these private assemblies was that a person had to be at least forty years old to be allowed to attend. But Abul-Hakam, at the age of 30 already attended them, because he had deep wisdom, intelligence and understanding which made the elders of Quraysh trust his opinion and relied on him as an elite member of their assembly.

But when Muhammad ﷺ was chosen as the Messenger of Allah and sent to guide his people and the world from darkness to light, he became known as Abu Jahl: the father of ignorance.

This title was given to him by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ due to his hatred, enmity and cruelty towards the message of Islam and the Muslims. 

Muhammad ﷺ disliked that a good title should be given to a wicked person and an evil title should be given to righteous person.

Muhammadﷺ said, “It is only Allah who is the possessor of infinite wisdom and justice (and no one else is entitled to this name). To Him returns the final decision of all affairs.” [1]

He ﷺ also said, “He who calls Abu Jahl (the father of ignorance) – Abul-Hakam (father of wisdom), then he has made a serious mistake. He should seek forgiveness from Allah for this.” [2]

● We learn from all of this that name and fame for the sake of worldly benefit and reputation is an evil quality that Allah dislikes.

● We learn that all actions should be done for the sake of Allah. 

● We learn that wicked deeds deprives us having a good name.

● We learn that wealth and nobility cannot benefit us if we do not have faith and righteousness.



[1] Abu Dawūd
[2] Ansabul-Ashraaf


Lessons From the Lives of Those Who Went Astray
Lesson 4: Amr ibn Hisham