6 Oct 2016

The Quran as a companion.

The Quran as a companion

As humans when we are faced with problems, sadness, grief and bad days our natural instinct is to look for companions who we can share our problems with, someone who we love whose hand we can hold and pour our heart out to them.  We look for friends to make us feel better and we place our expectations in them; anything that they say to make us feel better is acceptable to us. But then a day comes when these same friends get fed up of us going to them again and again. They don’t want to listen to our grief, our problems, and our complaints. They leave our side. However, Allah never leaves our side. He in His complete Wisdom has sent down the Quran for us to be there for us as our companion. Our REAL companion, one that would never leave our side if we don’t let it.
For the Quran to act as a complete companion to us it is important for us to develop that relationship with the book of Allah. For us, making the Quran our true friend requires for us to not only read it diligently but follow it in the same way as well. True companionship with the word of Allah means revolving our entire life around it, restructuring our life in a way that we follow each and every command that Allah has mentioned in the Quran.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said in a tradition: “Read the Qur’an., for indeed it will come on the Day of Judgment as an intercessor for its companions.” [Sahih Muslim]
In the above tradition the Prophet (PBUH) speaks of the Quran being an intercessor for those people on the Day of Judgment who found a friend in it. It means that the Quran will vouch for the person who read it, understood it, meditated about it, followed it, played a part in its preservation completely and protected it from harm. THAT is the meaning of making the Quran your companion.
We must let the light of the Quran fill our lives for indeed it is the word of Allah and each letter of each word is filled with wisdom that we can get only if we study it completely and maintain a relationship of love and friendship with it. When we are reading the Quran it is like Allah is speaking to us so we must understand what He the Almighty is trying to tell us.
Allah has said in the Quran about the Quran: “And if there was any Quran by which the mountains would be removed or the earth would be broken apart or the dead would be made to speak, [it would be this Qur’an]” (13:31)
THAT is the strength of the Quran. And consequently that is the importance of making it a part of our lives, our friend our companion. Remember, your friends in the world may disappoint you, may leave your side, but the Quran never will. In times of hardship, fall to the Quran for support and it will never leave your side. How could it? It’s the word of Allah.