5 Oct 2016



As for the special quality of the ritual prayer of glorification [salat at-tasbih], we learn from a traditional report, transmitted [by a chain of reliable authorities] from Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be well pleased with him and with his father), that Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said to al-'Abbas ibn 'Abdi'l-Muttalib (may Allah be well pleased with him) :

O 'Abbas, my dear uncle!  I really must give you a gift!  I really must make you a present!  I really must do you a favor!  I really must let you know about ten special practices [khisal], for, if you carry them out, Allah will forgive you your sin, the first and the last of it, the old and the new, the unintentional and the deliberate, the small and the great, the private and the public.  

You must perform four cycles of ritual prayer [raka'at], reciting in each cycle the Opening Sura of the Book [Fatihat al-Kitab] and one other Sura.

When you have finished the Qur'anic recitation in the first cycle [rak'a], and while you are still standing erect, you must say-fifteen times:

Glory be to Allah,
subhana 'llahi 

and praise be to Allah,
wa 'l-hamdu li'llahi

and there is no god but Allah,
wa la ilaha illa 'llahu

and Allah is Supremely Great!
wa 'llahu Akbar.

Then you must perform the act of bowing, pronouncing it [the same affirmation] ten times while you are in the posture of bowing [raki']. 

Then you must raise your head from the act of bowing [rak'a], and pronounce it ten times.

Then you must perform the act of prostration, and pronounce it ten times.

Then you must raise your head from the posture of prostration [sujud], and pronounce it ten times.

Then you must perform the [second] act of prostration, and pronounce it ten times.

Then you must raise your head from the posture of prostration [sujud], and pronounce it ten times.

That all adds up to a total of seventy-five in each cycle [rak'a].  You must do the same in all four cycles [raka'at]. 

If you are able to perform this special prayer once every day, then do so.  If you cannot do it that often, then once every Friday [the Day of Congregation].  If you cannot do it that often, then once every month.  If you cannot do it that often, then once every year.  If you cannot do it that often, then at least once in your lifetime. 

According to another version of this report, the Qur'anic recitation should be:

In the first cycle:  the Opening Sura of the Book [Fatihat al-Kitab] and "Sabbihi 'sma Rabbi-ka 'l-A'la... [Glorify the Name of your Lord the Most High...]."

 In the second cycle:  the Opening Sura of the Book [Fatihat al-Kitab] and "Idha zulzilat... [When (the earth) is shaken...]."

 In the third cycle:  the Opening Sura of the Book [Fatihat al-Kitab] and "Qul ya ayyuha 'l-kafirun... [Say:  'O you unbelievers...']." 

 In the fourth cycle:  the Opening Sura of the Book [Fatihat al-Kitab] and "Qul Huwa 'llahu Ahad [Say:  'He is Allah, One!']"

According to yet another traditional report, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said to Ja'far ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be well pleased with him) :

I really must make you a present!  I really must do you a favor!  I really must give you a gift!

(Our informant went on to quote the rest of the report [hadith].)