6 Oct 2016

Allah as the Guardian of the Quran.

Allah as the Guardian of the Quran

(We have, without doubt, sent down the Reminder [i.e., the Quran]; and We will assuredly guard it [from corruption].) (Al-Hijr 15:9)
The above verse represents the promise of Allah to protect the Quran.  The protection of the Quran is important because it is the word of Allah and the proof for humanity that Islam is the complete religion, Islam is Allah’s religion. Allah has promised to take care of His word so that the people of the faith of Islam have complete confidence and trust in Him. Surely the Quran is the complete code of life and Allah intends for all to learn it and follow it.
The verse also explains that Allah will guard the Quran in all circumstances inspite of the changes that people made in it for their own (political, social) means.  Allah ensured that the Quran is protected in its complete form.
There are a number of ways of the protection of Allah for the Quran which we have seen over 1500 years. One of the ways to protect the Quran is to inform His creation to learn it by heart. Allah has mentioned in the Quran:
(And in truth We have made the Qur’an easy to remember; but is there any that remembereth?) (Al-Qamar 54:17).
This is Allah telling us specifically how easy it is to learn the Quran and follow it. By learning the book of Allah you are undoubtedly becoming the guardian of the word of Allah which shall forever stay in your heart and mind and will also eventually take you to Jannah. Also, when other people recite the Quran in front of them they become a source of correcting them if they make a mistake.
Allah ensured the protection of the Quran also through the Holy Prophet (PBUH)’s companions. The companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) made numerous copies of the complete scripture of the Quran which were distributed to all Muslims. Over time these copies multiplied into thousands and millions which protected the script of the Quran even today 1500 years later.
However, we as the ummah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) must understand that although Allah has promised to protect the Quran from all corruption it does not mean that Allah made the world perfect. This dunya was and will always be imperfect because Allah intended it to be so. We must follow the teachings of the Quran and lead a straight path towards Jannah IA through our good deeds.