31 Oct 2016

7 Ways To Bounce Back From Failure

Like a saying that goes, “It’s not the dog in the fight that matters; rather it’s the fight in the dog”. Thus, do not give up on your dreams, aspirations or plans because of a roadblock. Believe you can make it and push hard.

Below are a few tips that will aid in getting you back on track after a failure.

#1. Deal with your emotions
There is nothing wrong with shedding a tear over the failure you experienced. Let the way you feel not be tucked away inside as that will worsen matters and lead to insecurity, lack of self-confidence and bitterness.

Ensure that you think about the failure and express your feelings regarding it in whatsoever you can.

#2. What lesson did you learn?
Failure is meaningless if no lesson was learnt. The initial step in recovering from failure is to accept the failure and to learn a few things from it.

Probably you did something wrong that led to the failure or you omitted something. Next time, when embarking on that same trip, you will be sure to not commit the same mistakes you did the previous time. Hence, look through the sadness and disappointment and ask yourself some few questions: “How did I contribute to this failure? What could I have done differently?”

#3. Conquer the negativity
At this point in time, your closest neighbor will be negative thoughts. Since you just had a failure, your mind will try to discourage you from picking yourself back up again.

Fight those thoughts. Tell and give yourself all the good reasons you could possibly think of to pick yourself up again and run. Remain confident and determined despite all odds.

#4. Draw inspiration from others
You may not think this is so during your dark times, but you are definitely not the first that has gone through failure and you will surely not be the last.

Take time to read or listen to inspirational stories of those who failed at one point or the other in their lives yet still reached their peak. This will surely help in getting you motivated and encouraged. Stories of people like Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs should serve as a comfort to you during this time.

#5. Reminisce on your previous successes
One other way to get your confidence back is to recall the times that you actually succeeded at doing something. Don’t think that you have never had a good moment, no matter how trivial. Sit back and remember the times you did things perfectly and were congratulated for it.

Reminisce on the lessons you’ve learned, the times you completed a task on time or did well on

All those are moments that you should hang on to and that you should use to kick yourself back up.

#6. Change your approach
A mistake is not one if you keep repeating it. Maybe one of the reasons for the failure was that you made a mistake. That is fine. Everyone does make mistakes. However, be careful not to repeat it when trying again.

Apply a totally different approach to achieving what you want to achieve. Have ideas and backup plans to implement should anything not go accordingly. Remember the key is to making it big and being able to be proud of what you’ve done and how far you have come; so there is nothing wrong with using Route B to get to your destination.

#7. Patience
With every decision you make, one thing to bear in mind is that everything takes time. You cannot be who you want to be in a day. It demands confidence, resilience, courage and most importantly patience. Stop thinking that you will fail again just because it is taking longer than normal to reach your destination or achieve what you want to achieve.

Thus, remember to master patience and believe that everything will work out eventually.