31 Oct 2016

13 Qualities Every Entrepreneur Needs To Be Successful

Most people aspiring to be business owners under estimate the value of adopting certain qualities and their role in achieving entrepreneurial success or success in life generally. Here are 13 traits every entrepreneur needs to have a successful business that can weather all the economic storms and survive challenges.

#1. Honesty
An entrepreneur should be honest in his dealings with himself/herself and others. Prove to your customers and employees that you’re someone genuine, sincere, respectable and reputable and you will earn their loyalty and commitment. Never be deceptive instead let morals, honour and ethics be your compass.

#2. Humility
Be humble. Don’t think you’re better or superior to anyone especially your employees and staff. Modesty and humbleness gets you customers and their loyalty which is indispensable when it comes to the running of a business.

#3. Wholeheartedness
Having and showing enthusiasm in what you do goes a long way in leading your business to success. Being committed to your work will help you accomplish your goals.

#4. Charitable
Remember the saying ‘do good and good will come back to you’? It’s true. Being gentle kind and compassionate towards others will be in your be in your best interest because good things happen to people who do good so learn to extend a helping hand more often.

#5. Empathy
Keep in mind that each person is different and may have different norms, values and beliefs. Respect and acknowledge the thoughts and feelings of others as you would your own.

#6. Wisdom
Seek wisdom outwardly and inwardly. try to develop the ability to understand people. To do that, you will need to understand yourself first.

#7. Personal integrity
Be true to yourself and don’t let anyone or any situation steer you away from your moral values. Be the epitome of integrity.

#8. Incorruptibility
Show your employees, customers and others around you that you are not someone who trades his or her moral values for material gains in life, that your values are not for sale.

#9. Magnanimous
Practice generosity. Give out to people around you and don’t expect anything in return.

#10. Be easily accessible
As an entrepreneur, you should make it as easy as possible for your customers and employees to make contact with you

#11. Be willing to take risks
As an entrepreneur, you must be optimistic, confident and be able to deal with complexity. Try to take incremental risks, map knowledge and scenarios and experiment systematically.

#12. Focus
Try to keep it simple. It’s good to diversify and open yourself up yo new possibilities but also be wary of not spreading yourself out too thin and end up losing focus from your company’s original vision.

#13. Perseverance
‘Failures are stepping stones to success.’ Keep these words in mind every time you hit a roadblock and understand that failures and rejections are not signs for stopping but learning experiences and stepping stones. One of the most rewarding experiences for most successful entrepreneurs of all time is persevering despite the challenges.

Very few people are born with these qualities. If you’re one of them, you can learn and adopt them through mentors and self-improvement efforts. These qualities will not only lead your business to success, they will ensure you a fulfilling and successful life.